Planning to update my top ranking post "Infinite Stratos IS Gundam" and bring it forward as latest post after the series ended but got lazy due to the amount of work needed, so I'll postpone it for a few days. Now, a very simple topic, as an anime/Gundam fan, do you draw. I believe most of you do. For me, i was a hardcore lover in drawing. I even got caught by my own teacher back in my primary/elementary school days drawing Digimon when she is teaching. XD
Nowadays I'm rather lazy in doing so. I drew Digimon, then switched my interest to Gundams, even designing my own (most references are from Universal Century and Cosmic Era), but i lost many of my sketches, mostly linearts and 3D action poses because i don't know where i kept them. Long story. I also won a drawing contest at national level organised by some Japanese organisation based in Penang like half a decade ago, or more, don't remember the event well. My winning entry was a mecha sketch in 3D action pose. Probably you would think i have wasted my talent for taking up a course in a medical university when i could just do arts well and proceed to work in a foreign studio, but i was never interested - drawing is just a hobby. =)
Nowadays I'm rather lazy in doing so. I drew Digimon, then switched my interest to Gundams, even designing my own (most references are from Universal Century and Cosmic Era), but i lost many of my sketches, mostly linearts and 3D action poses because i don't know where i kept them. Long story. I also won a drawing contest at national level organised by some Japanese organisation based in Penang like half a decade ago, or more, don't remember the event well. My winning entry was a mecha sketch in 3D action pose. Probably you would think i have wasted my talent for taking up a course in a medical university when i could just do arts well and proceed to work in a foreign studio, but i was never interested - drawing is just a hobby. =)
My skills in drawing are relatively bad now compared to the past, but when i do get bored, i still draw something (i usually just go online). And, oh, here's a Miku pic i drew, took me less than an hour but i wasn't serious about it so it's just average... Based on Tony Taka's illustration. Somehow the hair flow isn't natural enough and i didnt't bend her back a bit more (a slight proportion issue).
And, the inevitable modification when expression and middle finger gesture spoils the image of Miku for you i guess... =P
Proceeded to draw a Gundam of mine, upgrade of the ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam, codenamed ZGMF-X444T Nemesis. Halfway, and got bored, and i stopped just there for now. Wanted to make Legend lighter and slimmer so it's faster : Use stargazer's ring backpack and mount DRAGOONs on the borders, with slimmer frame =).
It's a pity i lost many of my old drawings for reasons i don't even remember or I'll post them here. Oh, wait, i have to get back to complete my presentation slides. These days i draw bishoujo more than mecha. Heck, why am i drawing... =.=;