
Happy Valentine's Day... Wut?

Whether you are single or in a relationship, what is the definition of this day to you? Well, I don’t celebrate it yet for now and stay single – until I can find someone worthy, hopefully with the same interests as I do. I made up this definition, and it’s partially true. Valentine's Day = The day for/to make singles feel shit about themselves, and the day for couples to donate money to chocolate, teddy bear and flower vendors. Wikipedia needs to update. LOL.

I happen to post this post early a couple of days, because my campus internet is on the crap side and I'm currently at home (every weekends). Oh yes, just in case you are still single, and you don’t have any gal who is special to you right now, you can still love your figures. Yes, celebrate your valentine’s day by… *giggles*

Anyway, Valentine’s day is not necessarily for love. Celebrate it for friendship is fine, but, Malaysia’s government and opposition stay as narrow-minded as ever. Read the news from the most preferred local English newspaper, The Star from the links below if you are free, and you get what I mean. I’ll leave the comments to you.

Anyway, as comrades and friends, I wish everyone Happy Valentine’s day. I have a figure coming soon either late this week or early next week, a birthday gift for myself. XD My birthday is exactly 10 days after Valentines – 24th. I usually don’t expect presents, as for from my parents’ case; they just give me cash in a red packet and I go happy spending buying whatever I want for myself. What figure? I guessed I have mentioned before, but I’ll only say this hint: My first figure by Alter, twin tail hair style, and 1/8 scale (Sounds easy?). XD Lookin’ forward to it.

I have nothing particular to post, unless some lame jokes above including the pic. So, I’ll spam a bit pics to end this post. XD