
How Large Does It Get?

Yes, that’s the question for today’s post. Taking a break off reviewing after the review of my first figma, I’d like to post something else before reviewing my Nendoroid BRS. How large does your shopping spree get? I’m not pretty sure whether I should “measure” the size of a looting spree by its mere quantity, or total value/price. What’s your largest spending in a single month so far?

For me, my single largest loot I’ve recorded so far is pretty small when you compare to otakus who are working adults. In terms of total quantity, it’s just very small for me, usually a maximum of 3 to 4 items (can be gunpla, figures, or a mix of both). My budget is pretty limited as a student, and I have a lot of “Outstanding Gundam kits” I have yet to buy. In terms of value, the highest so far was this year June, topping RM 1350 (USD $420). However I bought a new phone just last month that cost me USD $545, off contract.

These values are enough to make my parents faint, but they are “incredibly small” when you compare to others. So, here’s a collection of amazing loots by comrades. I can only say 1 word: Urayamashi na…. *_* (envious…)

And, One more question, do you buy many versions of the same Gundam kit or figure of a character you like? Or, perhaps, Buying everything under a series, like all HG Gundam kits, all figmas or nendoroids? That sounds crazy, but there are people who does that. =)

Well, wanna get to know more of these guys? Comrade Garuda is a huge fan of nendos like the image above, with watermarks there. @_@