Ok, this figma is my very first figma, and yeah, she felt small to me, especially when you put her beside the big head nendoroid and the fact I've been buying more PVC figures and MG Gundam kits. For my first figma, sure I'd have many things to comment about a figma. Before i go into the details we'll just take a look what's out of the box. There's plenty of accessories and a 50 minute DVD of the BRS OVA. Worth the money you pay for.
5 pairs of hands including the "default" one on the figma, and the other 4 is stored on a rack-like object which is pretty convenient, 3 faces, 2 front hair pieces, 2 extra arms that you cannot plug the hands in (what's that for anyway?) 2 figma bases plus an adaptor to hold the cannon, the Black Rock cannon the black blade, and a chain. Cool.
Well, I never bought any figma before this one, is this sachet included in every figmas for storing extra parts? Nice.
Black Rock Shooter OVA DVD.
Unlike PVC figures I'm not going to shoot detail photos of each section- figmas are not supposed to display details, but to pose with. Now, for my first figma, here's my views:
Pros: Very affordable; joints are strong enough on crucial parts like waist, shoulder and arms, most of the legs and the 2 strips hairs; tons of accessories, very poseable when compared to Gundam kits of the same size (1/144 scales)
Cons: The wrist joint is not strong - tends to drop off easily; the other optional hand parts which has extra joints to enable the wrist to twist up and down is loose; The paint job gets scratched if you are not careful with posing, can be by the cannon, or chains, anything;
I'm quite concerned about scratching that after my first round of posing and photo shooting i stopped it. The left arm - the white strip has been slightly scratched off, but i can always paint it by myself. The wrist parts tend to drop off when i hook it on the rock cannon handle and posing it. The cannon is unsurprisingly heavy for her. Moreover, when i opened the package, the plastic stuffed within the waist joints and the rear jacket joints are a pain in the ass to remove. It make me felt i was going to break something. =.=; Joints are snug so far, except the wrists.

Speaking of posing, I wanted to do something different from others. Most people only posed her wielding the cannon and sword with all sorts of action poses, but, for me, I made use of my first figma’s poseability by using Gundam weaponry, with the aid of some other figures/nendoroids . There you go, the best I could offer with my imagination going wild.
I bought this 1/12 scale bike specially for her, inspired by none other than Cloud Strife. Anyway, you get to see a girl + cannon instead of a man + swords on a bike haha.
Oh, yeah, I haven’t forgotten that BRS is flat chested. =3 So, it’s not surprising that she’s admiring Ringo’s boobs right? XD

Yep, I mentioned Gundam weaponry, and BRS is equally suited for handling these rifles, machine guns and composite weaponry of 1/144 scale. It is really a bummer than Exia’s GN Sword does not fit her grip – too loose. Note that the 2 rotating jacket parts at the rear – I removed them and you can have some thrusters there too – in this case taken from Aile Strike Gundam.

So, despite my complaints on some issues like loose wrists, it is still a good figma. I can feel that it doesn’t loosen fast when compared to a HG Gundam kit that uses polycapped joints. However I’m not going to play with her like that, just fix a pose and display her, that’s all. I think I'll get a few more figmas so that she wont't be lonely... ^^;